If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as it consistently returns the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels. Many tour operators will offer anaconda hunts on which you can pose for photos. Wild animals should be viewed from a distance only; they aren’t pets.

Your trip for less!

Read more about can cun jungle tour here.

However, take pants, a shirt and a dry pair of socks for the evening. Wild animals don’t like the company of sweaty, noisy bipeds. There is little chance you will see birds, monkeys, and other animals. Every morning you will wake up at dawn, with heavy legs, an eyelid that is still half open, and your skin moist from the humidity in the air. After a hearty breakfast, it will be time to set off again, with your shirt still wet from the previous day and the sound of your shoes doing Squitch Squitch because of the rain. There is one section where you’ll have to cross the river on foot. Some thousands of people lived in this city, hidden in the middle of the Sierra Nevada mountains.

Eventually, you’ll reach a small Mayan ruin that was used for commerce centuries ago. The boat docks here so you can take a look around.

The D-Day of your Lost City Trek

Yet we found that exploring Sian Ka’an’s inland freshwater environments from the Muyil archeological site to be an easier route that takes less time. Approach Sian Ka’an this way, provides the experiences of floating down a Mayan-carved canal, walking through the jungle, and admiring ancient Mayan ruins.

It took some talking to get the 4yo at half price. Moral of the story – go early, and expect to pay for all the kids. And it’s true, they are ristricted to go out only twice a day, thats why it’s so expensive Told us our Captain. They encourage you to do the boat first and ruins after.

There are some essential items that you’ll need throughout your journey into Sian Ka’an. The boat trip, as described above, does not venture into the ocean environment of Sian Ka’an. So understand that you will not see dolphins, sea turtles, etc when taking this 90-minute boat trip from Muyil. We recommend packing your own mask and snorkel to be able to view the fish and other critters that live amongst the mangroves.

Yet we found it to be such a great experience and hence recommend it. It’s nearly two hours long and you’ll likely even have a private boat, all to yourself.

So welcoming and willing to work with us in our very limited Spanish and their somewhat limited English. They shared about their native Maya language and culture, and knew so much about that ecology of the place. Have been to Muyil and everything was as described.

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