Red is the right audio channel, white is the left, and yellow is for video. If you can’t afford to pay one of these services and aren’t technically inclined then reach out to friends/family (these teenagers are very tech-savy) and see if they want to help you out. They also have a Blu Ray option for DVDs for $14.99 per disc which would only make sense if you were transferring MiniDV or some digitil format that would benefit from the higher resolution. Video transfer to USB at LegacyBox will cost the same as transfer to DVD or online download.

The number of pins and the shape of a Firewire cable can vary slightly—they aren’t all the same. If you’re using a camcorder, the cable that came with it should connect to your DVD Recorder. If you no longer have it, you can find the right cable at an electronic store or online for $5-$10.

Does Best Buy convert VHS tapes to DVD?

Analog-to-digital video converters cost anywhere from $15 to $75 and can be found at electronic stores or online. The more expensive converters come bundled with advanced editing software. This method also gives you the flexibility to edit the video as much as you want, adding transitions, special effects, music, etc. You should see a new square, outlined in red, appear in OBS’ main window—this is the video it’s reading from your VCR. (Mine was just a blue screen.) If you press Play on the VCR, you should see your video start playing in this red box. Use your mouse to resize the red box so it fills the middle of the black window, and drag it to the middle, as shown above. Then, mute any audio tracks that aren’t from your video capture device.

Then press Play on the projector and Record on the camera to capture your footage. The S-Video cable offers slightly better image quality if your VCR supports it. We recommend storing them with all your other data files and sync them with a cloud service like Dropbox or OneDrive.

Open the conversion software installed on your computer. This will help you manage and monitor the entire conversion process. Do you have boxes full of old VHS tapes taking up space around your home?


DVDs have much higher possible quality than do VHS tapes, and your cable box should always be connected to an HDMI input by default. VCR – You’ll want to use either RCA cables or s-video cables for your VCR.

What about digital videotapes?

That way they’re safely preserved for future generations. Assuming you have a VHS player and want to tackle the job yourself, you’ll need some way to get the video off your tape and onto your PC.

Read more about vhs to dvd conversion here.

Categories: Business